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„Verb Compounding and Grammaticisation in Central Australian Languages“

Gastvortrag von  Prof. Dr. Peter K. Austin (Department of Linguistics, SOAS, University of London):

Dienstag, 28.11.2017

10.30 - 12.00 Uhr

Gebäude 23.32 in Raum U1.47


Some languages in the border region of northern South Australia and western New South Wales have unusual systems of verb compounding that combine two or three verb roots into a single verb stem. Comparison with neighbouring related languages shows parallel structures involving phrasal compounding of verb words. We argue that these originate from reanalysis and grammaticisation of complex sentence constructions giving a sequence: complex sentences > complex phrases > complex words.


Autor/in: Anglistik III: English Language and Linguistics
Kategorie/n: Anglistik 3, Anglistik und Amerikanistik