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Scrabble stones that spell Welcome to EAS

Infomation for First Semester Students (B.A.)

The first semester can be quite overwhelming. To help you along we have gathered everything you need to know to be well prepared for your first semester.

General Information on starting your English and American Studies

The purpose of the Oxford Online Placement Test, short OOPT, is to evaluate your knowledge of the English language and is an important part in your studies. Every student has to pass the OOPT, as it is a requirement for the Language Skills courses. 

More information on the OOPT


To make creating your first schedule easier we have gathered some of the most important information here. 

First of all it is important to look at the recommended classes for the first year, meaning the first two semesters. During these two semesters you should complete the Foundations and Basic Modules. You can find general and more in-depth information about studying in a Major or Minor here

You book all of your classes on the HIS: LSF. Here you will find a guide. If you are yet to activate your Uni-ID please use this link first. 

While booking your classes it is important to keep the different deadlines in mind. You can find these deadlines as well as detailed descriptions and appointments in the detail view of each class. Please always make sure that you have selected the right study programme at the top of the HIS:LSF page. 

For most students it is easiest to "reserve" a class without actively booking it. This way you can assemble your schedule and do not have to book anything prematurely and can avoid overlapping courses in the same slot. 

If you should still need more help or have further questions please consider going to an Orientational Tutorial


To make your entry into the course easier, the English and American Studies institute offers orientational tutorials for first year students. These tutorials are offered every Winter Semester.  In the tutorial you will have a chance to get to know your fellow students while learning everything you need to know for your time here. Tutors will explain important procedures, systems and locations you should know.

Besides the social aspect, your tutors can help you with creating your schedule or finding your way around the campus. Furthermore, they will help you find your way around the digital platforms used at the HHU (His-LSF, Roundcube, ILIAS, Studierendenportal, Semesterapparate).

You will also learn the necessary formalites from the study- and exam regulations, module manuals, as well as exam procedures  (what is a certifcate of participation (BN), a final exam (AP), exam (Klausur), term paper (Hausarbeit), seminar paper (Studienarbeit)?). You will also learn methods and techniques for learning on your own. 

During the tutorial you will also hear about other services and contact points of the Heinreich-Heine University, these may include the Career Service, ZIM, SSC, Pia, college/university sports.

For regular attendance you may be rewarded 1 CP, which you may accredit in your Wahlpflichtbereich. This is only possible for major students. If you with to take part in an Orientational Tutorial as a Minor student please consult with the representatives of your Major to see how the credit points can be accredited there. 

Orientientational Tutorials on the LSF

There are quite a few things that you have to keep in mind when you begin your studies. To help you keep track of everything we have put together this list. On it you will find some of the most important things you have to do in order to set yourself up for a good start into your first semester as well as a couple of offices you can contact in case you run into problems along the way!


CHECKLIST: Beginning your studies



To help you keep track of your studies we have created this checklist with all of the modules that belong to this programme. As you move through your studies you can fill in the courses you have already taken. This way you can easily see which courses you still have to comeplete.

This checklist is not an official document and can not be used instead of a Transcript of Records.

If you have and questions or problems with the checklist please contact us.





In "profile development" (Profilbildung, previously FÜW) courses, you can gain experience and qualifications beyond your own programme. The course offerings range from professional qualifications and language classes to interdisciplinary offerings.

Additionally, you can choose courses to prepare you for pursuing a Master's degree.

Further Information

Haven't recieved your enrollment documents yet? No need to worry!

  • You can be admitted into classes up to three weeks after the beginning of the lecture period
    • If you have not yet recieved your enrollment documents please contact us for information on the participation in classes
    • The participation and registration for classes is your responsibility. If you are admitted to a class after the beginning of the lecture period you have to gather the material and information you have missed in your own time.
    • We reccomend that you sign up for the tutorials as well as the orientational tutorial.
  • As you are required to take the Oxford Online Placement Test please check our website for current dates
    • If you do miss the dates offered in your first semester you can take the OOPT in a later semester
  • If you have further questions regarding your course of studies please contact us.