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Talk about "Properties of trilingual word-internal code-switching" | Dr. Faruk Akkuş

Ang3Colloquium is pleased to have Dr. Faruk Akkuş, an assistant professor from University of Massachusetts, Amherst, talk to us about "Properties of trilingual word-internal code-switching". If you are into code-switching, language contact, multilingualism, syntax or morphology, then this is for you!

He is also available to meet one-on-one students  on the 28th. Please reach out to kevin.tang(at)hhu.de to sign up for a slot.

Date: 28th January 2025 | Time: 10:30–12:00 | Room:


This talk focuses on word-internal language mixing patterns among Turkish, Anatolian Arabic and Northern Kurdish, in the context of verbal and nominal domains. Informed by the rarely studied trilingual code-switching, the study investigates effects of language contact in the domains of both templatic and affixal morphology. The patterns reveal that various formal approaches to code-switching, which rely on either a distinction between functional versus lexical categories or phase-hood as the defining constraint on code-switching (e.g., Belazi et al. 1994, Poplack 1981, López et al. 2017), are not tenable for the languages in question. Instead, this work proposes the No-Reversal Constraint (NRC, Akkuş 2024), whose governing restriction is that code-switching does not allow a switch back to a language that has already contributed a morpheme earlier in the derivation. The study also examines in more detail the nature of the NRC and where in the grammar it applies: this constraint applies to morphosyntactic words prior to their linearization and before Vocabulary Insertion (Embick and Noyer 2001). Moreover, the NRC exhibits a bottom-up effect (i.e., no [[A B] A] structures), rather than simply applying over linearization of terminal nodes, which would impose a left-to-right effect (i.e. no A-B-A strings).

Kategorie/n: Anglistik und Amerikanistik