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Creative Writing Workshop
"Climate Stories"

An image has to grab you. Ted Hughes

Poetry is the best words in the best order. Samuel Taylor Coleridge


This workshop considers the space between the above two statements alongside examining examples of contemporary poetry. Participants will be encouraged to build their own poem inspired by an image/photograph of something connected to climate change that ‘grabs’ them. (They should bring at least one image to the workshop.) We will enter and explore these images using the senses to grow a poem in terms narrative structure and tension building; this makes connections with readers through provoking an emotion. Poetry helps with containment of a topic through metaphor, and by focussing on an image a poet can reflect the wider world.

Prof. Dr. Flint is a highly acclaimed poet and activist whose work has won numerous prices. Most recently, and under the heading ”Climate Stories” (climatestories.virb.com/climatestories), she has embarked on community outreach projects with climate scientists, artists, and members of the community to tell stories of climate and climate change. In this workshop, she will share her expertise and facilitate creative writing exercises.


Contact: Dr. Sonja Frenzel ()



Kategorie/n: Anglistik und Amerikanistik
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