In the context of the global annual campaign for brain awareness, members from different institutes and faculties of HHU will offer talks and…
Ang3Colloquium is pleased to have Dr. Faruk Akkuş, an assistant professor from University of Massachusetts, Amherst, talk to us about "Properties of…
Do you want to spend a semester abroad? Come to our Study Abroad Meet & Greet on January 21 at 4:30pm in 23.21.U1.76!
What can you do with your English Degree? Find out about from real and live HHU Alumni!
19 Sep. 2024, 9:30-15:45 | (HHU)
The workshop is about drawing on Victorian interests in commemorating the dead through cultural memory…
Englischsprachige Summer School
18-21 September 2024 | HHU 23.21.HS.3F and online
In September 2024, the Centre for Translation Studies (CTS) will…
Dr. Kathrin Rond, a lecturer in the Department of Comparative Literature, has won the Dean’s award for distinguished achievement.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Soelve I. Curdts wurde zum 1. März 2022 zur Vertrauensdozentin der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes ernannt.
30th October 2018 at 7pm
On Tuesday, 30 October 2018, ANDY BROWN (EXETER), a well-known poet, poetry commentator and academic, will read from his…
18th May 2018 from 6-8pm The Roundtable "Kreative Wege | Creativity as Career" will be as part of the newly inaugurated creative writing track of…